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[…] the sec­ond quar­ter of 2020. This trou­bling trend, cou­pled with esca­lat­ing rents and mort­gage rates, under­scores a deep­en­ing income inequal­i­ty and grow­ing hous­ing dis­par­i­ties, […]

[…] the ongo­ing increase in vehi­cle debt under­scores a notable shift in the debt land­scape. Mort­gages con­tin­ue to dom­i­nate Amer­i­can con­sumer debt, rep­re­sent­ing 70.3%, yet the […]

[…] stock prices and ris­ing bond yields, high­lights the risks of high debt lev­els. U.S. home mort­gage debt as a per­cent­age of GDP rose from an aver­age of 46% in the 1990s to 73% by 2008, […]

[…] to attain home­own­er­ship. The lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty of homes com­bined with mort­gage rates at their high­est in years has exac­er­bat­ed the cri­sis as home prices con­tin­ue […]

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