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[…] In a city known for its sky-high prop­er­ty prices, Sin­ga­pore­an investor Damien Tan, Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer at AIA Finan­cial Advis­ers, stands out as a prime exam­ple of real estate acu­men and strate­gic invest­ment. At just 24, Tan has suc­cess­ful­ly mas­tered Singapore’s com­pet­i­tive real estate mar­ket, acquir­ing two high-val­ue con­do­mini­ums — one val­ued at S$1.25 mil­lion and anoth­er at S$1.26 mil­lion. His sto­ry is not just about per­son­al suc­cess but also offers insights into the broad­er impli­ca­tions of real estate invest­ment, par­tic­u­lar­ly when com­pared to cur­rent fears sur­round­ing the U.S. hous­ing market. […]

[…] sales, an indi­ca­tor of future mar­ket activ­i­ty, also showed an alarm­ing trend. They dropped by 2.9% from June and 5.8% from the pre­vi­ous year, mark­ing some of the most […]

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