Daily Financial Stories

These terms and con­di­tions (the “Terms”) form a legal­ly bind­ing con­tract between you and Investmentals.com (“Invest­men­tals”, “we” or “us”) with regard to your use of the Invest­men­tals web­site (the “Site”).


Please read these Terms care­ful­ly before using the Site. By using or access­ing the Site, you sig­ni­fy that you have read, under­stand, and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use the Site.

We may mod­i­fy these Terms at any time and will post the mod­i­fied Terms on this page, so please check them peri­od­i­cal­ly. If you con­tin­ue to use the Site after we post mod­i­fi­ca­tions to these Terms, you sig­ni­fy your accep­tance of the mod­i­fied Terms.


You must be over the age of eigh­teen (18) to use the Site. By using the Site, you rep­re­sent and war­rant that you are at least eigh­teen (18) years of age and that you have not been pre­vi­ous­ly sus­pend­ed or removed from the Site.

Investmentals Accounts

In order to access cer­tain fea­tures of the Site, you must reg­is­ter for an account with Invest­men­tals (an “Invest­men­tals Account”). When reg­is­ter­ing for an Invest­men­tals Account, you will be asked to pro­vide cer­tain infor­ma­tion about your­self, such as your name, email address, and oth­er per­son­al information.

You agree to pro­vide accu­rate, cur­rent, and com­plete infor­ma­tion about your­self as prompt­ed by the reg­is­tra­tion process and main­tain and prompt­ly update your infor­ma­tion as nec­es­sary. You are sole­ly respon­si­ble for the activ­i­ty that occurs on your Invest­men­tals Account, and you must keep your account pass­word secure.

You agree to use the Site only for law­ful pur­pos­es and in accor­dance with these Terms. You agree not to use the Site in a way that vio­lates any applic­a­ble laws or reg­u­la­tions, inter­feres with the Site, or dis­rupts the use of the Site by oth­er users.

Investmentals Services

The Site pro­vides a range of ser­vices relat­ed to invest­ments which are, how­ev­er, NOT relat­ed to any sort of abil­i­ty to pur­chase and sell investments.

In order to access our ser­vices, you may be required to pro­vide addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion and doc­u­ments, such as bank account details, proof of iden­ti­ty, and oth­er finan­cial infor­ma­tion. You agree to pro­vide accu­rate, cur­rent, and com­plete infor­ma­tion as requested.

You acknowl­edge and agree that the ser­vices pro­vid­ed on the Site are not intend­ed to pro­vide finan­cial, legal, or tax advice. You are sole­ly respon­si­ble for mak­ing your own invest­ment deci­sions based on your own research and due diligence.

Fees and Payments

You agree to pay the fees asso­ci­at­ed with the ser­vices you access on the Site. These fees may include trans­ac­tion fees, sub­scrip­tion fees, and oth­er fees asso­ci­at­ed with the use of the Site.

You agree that you are respon­si­ble for all fees and charges incurred in con­nec­tion with your use of the Site, includ­ing all applic­a­ble taxes.

You autho­rize Invest­men­tals to charge your cred­it card or oth­er pay­ment method on file for any fees or charges incurred in con­nec­tion with your use of the Site.

You agree to keep your pay­ment infor­ma­tion up to date and accu­rate at all times.


The fail­ure of Invest­men­tals to enforce any right or pro­vi­sion in these Terms shall not con­sti­tute a waiv­er of such right or provision.

Intellectual Property

The Site and its entire con­tents, fea­tures, and func­tion­al­i­ty (includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to all infor­ma­tion, soft­ware, text, dis­plays, images, video, and audio, and the design, selec­tion, and arrange­ment there­of) are owned by Invest­men­tals, its licen­sors, or oth­er providers of such mate­r­i­al and are pro­tect­ed by Unit­ed States and inter­na­tion­al copy­right, trade­mark, patent, trade secret, and oth­er intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty or pro­pri­etary rights laws.

You must not repro­duce, dis­trib­ute, mod­i­fy, cre­ate deriv­a­tive works of, pub­licly dis­play, pub­licly per­form, repub­lish, down­load, store, or trans­mit any of the mate­r­i­al on our Site, except as follows:

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• If we pro­vide social media fea­tures with cer­tain con­tent, you may take such actions as are enabled by such features.

You must not:

• Mod­i­fy copies of any mate­ri­als from this Site.

• Use any illus­tra­tions, pho­tographs, video or audio sequences, or any graph­ics sep­a­rate­ly from the accom­pa­ny­ing text.

• Delete or alter any copy­right, trade­mark, or oth­er pro­pri­etary rights notices from copies of mate­ri­als from this Site.

• Access or use for any com­mer­cial pur­pos­es any part of the Site or any ser­vices or mate­ri­als avail­able through the Site.

• If you print, copy, mod­i­fy, down­load, or oth­er­wise use or pro­vide any oth­er per­son with access to any part of the Site in breach of the Terms, your right to use the Site will cease imme­di­ate­ly and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the mate­ri­als you have made.

• No right, title, or inter­est in or to the Site or any con­tent on the Site is trans­ferred to you, and all rights not express­ly grant­ed are reserved by Invest­men­tals. Any use of the Site not express­ly per­mit­ted by these Terms is a breach of these Terms and may vio­late copy­right, trade­mark, and oth­er laws.

Limitation of Liability



You agree to defend, indem­ni­fy, and hold Invest­men­tals, its offi­cers, direc­tors, employ­ees, agents, licen­sors, and sup­pli­ers, harm­less from and against any claims, actions or demands, lia­bil­i­ties and set­tle­ments includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, rea­son­able legal and account­ing fees, result­ing from, or alleged to result from, your vio­la­tion of these Terms.


If any pro­vi­sion of these Terms is held to be invalid or unen­force­able, such pro­vi­sion shall be struck and the remain­ing pro­vi­sions shall be enforced.

Contact Us

If you have any ques­tions about these Terms, please con­tact us at [email protected]