Daily Financial Stories

How Psychology Shapes You as a Trader

A Comprehensive Guide

Indi­vid­ual psy­chol­o­gy refers to the psy­cho­log­i­cal fac­tors that influ­ence an indi­vid­ual trad­er. This includes things like risk tol­er­ance, emo­tion­al state, and deci­sion-mak­ing process­es. Fear can cause a trad­er to exit a trade too ear­ly, while greed can cause a trad­er to hold on to a trade for too long. Most suc­cess­ful traders have learned to con­trol their emo­tions and let the trade play out. Here are the 5 emo­tions that can affect your trading: 

Fear, Greed, Anger, Hope, and Excite­ment

Over­all mar­ket psy­chol­o­gy refers to the psy­cho­log­i­cal fac­tors that influ­ence the mar­ket as a whole. This includes things like investor sen­ti­ment and mar­ket sen­ti­ment. When the mar­ket is in a bull phase, most traders are bull­ish and opti­mistic. When the mar­ket is in a bear phase, most traders are bearish and pes­simistic. As a trad­er, it is impor­tant to be aware of the over­all mar­ket psy­chol­o­gy, so you can trade accord­ing­ly.

Psychology shapes drives your trading career

Trading is Tough

A trad­er has to under­go many scary and dif­fi­cult chal­lenges. And sur­pris­ing­ly, most of them are shaped by or are relat­ed to psy­chol­o­gy. A trad­er must have nerves of steel and a clear head to be suc­cess­ful. That is why a trader’s psy­cho­log­i­cal state is so important.

Below are the 5 Ways Psychology Shapes your Trading Career For Real

1. Psychology affects how a trader perceives the markets

trader's psychologyA trader’s psy­cho­log­i­cal state can have a big impact on how they see the mar­kets. For exam­ple, if a trad­er is feel­ing anx­ious, they may be more like­ly to see mar­ket move­ments as being more volatile and unpre­dictable than they actu­al­ly are. Con­verse­ly, if a trad­er is feel­ing con­fi­dent, they may be more like­ly to see mar­ket move­ments as being more man­age­able and pre­dictable. What do you think is cur­rent­ly hap­pen­ing with the mar­kets? How is your psy­cho­log­i­cal state affect­ing your per­cep­tion of the mar­kets? You need to have a good under­stand­ing of how your psy­cho­log­i­cal state is affect­ing your per­cep­tion of the mar­kets in order to trade effectively.


2. Psychology affects how a trader reacts to the marketsa trader scared of bear


The mar­ket is an ever-chang­ing beast and a trad­er must be able to adapt to its changes quick­ly and effec­tive­ly. A trader’s psy­cho­log­i­cal state can have a big impact on how they react to the mar­kets. For exam­ple, if a trad­er is feel­ing anx­ious, they may be more like­ly to make rash and impul­sive deci­sions. Con­verse­ly, if a trad­er is feel­ing con­fi­dent, they may be more like­ly to make calm and con­sid­er­ate deci­sions. When a trad­er is los­ing, it can be tempt­ing to make rash deci­sions in an attempt to quick­ly turn things around. How­ev­er, this is often when bad deci­sions are made. You need to be able to con­trol your emo­tions and think clear­ly when trad­ing in order to be successful.


3. Psychology affects how a trader manages risk

risk managementA trader’s psy­cho­log­i­cal state can have a big impact on how they man­age risk. For exam­ple, if a trad­er is feel­ing anx­ious, they may be more like­ly to take on too much risk in an attempt to make a quick prof­it. Con­verse­ly, if a trad­er is feel­ing con­fi­dent, they may be more like­ly to take on less risk in an attempt to pro­tect their cap­i­tal. A trad­er must strike a bal­ance between tak­ing on too much risk and not tak­ing on enough risk. If a trad­er takes on too much risk, they may quick­ly lose their cap­i­tal. If a trad­er does not take on enough risk, they may miss out on prof­itable oppor­tu­ni­ties. Prop­er risk man­age­ment is a game-chang­er for a reason.


4. Psychology affects how a trader copes with losses

trader thinking about lossNo trad­er is immune to loss­es and every trad­er will expe­ri­ence them at some point. A trader’s psy­cho­log­i­cal state can have a big impact on how they cope with loss­es. For exam­ple, if a trad­er is feel­ing anx­ious, they may be more like­ly to become dis­cour­aged and give up after a loss. Con­verse­ly, if a trad­er is feel­ing con­fi­dent, they may be more like­ly to see a loss as a learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty and use it to improve their trad­ing. If you are a trad­er, loss­es make you suc­cess­ful, not your wins.


5. A trader’s psychology can change over time

A trader’s psy­cho­log­i­cal state is not sta­t­ic and can change over time. For exam­ple, a trad­er who is feel­ing con­fi­dent and opti­mistic at the begin­ning of their trad­ing career may become anx­ious and pes­simistic after expe­ri­enc­ing a few loss­es. Alter­na­tive­ly, a trad­er who is feel­ing anx­ious and pes­simistic at the begin­ning of their trad­ing career may become con­fi­dent and opti­mistic after expe­ri­enc­ing a few wins. It is impor­tant to be aware of how your psy­cho­log­i­cal state is chang­ing over time and to adjust your trad­ing accordingly.

The five points above should give you a good under­stand­ing of how psy­chol­o­gy can shape a trad­er. If you are a trad­er, make sure you under­stand how your psy­cho­log­i­cal state is affect­ing your trad­ing. And if you are not a trad­er, but are con­sid­er­ing becom­ing one, make sure you under­stand the impor­tance of psy­chol­o­gy in trading.