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Dai­ly Finan­cial Sto­ries Mar­ket Weath­er Advanced Tech­ni­cal Analy­sis for BBBY Tech­ni­cal Analy­sis for this week: S&P 500 NAS­DAQ’s poten­tial direc­tion today

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Yes, day traders are in luck. One of the cru­cial parts of our A.M.A is Advanced Tech­ni­cal Analy­sis of the Market.
Be a Big-Bullie
The best investors know how to take advan­tage of the bear markets.
Nathan Fernsby
Nathan Fernsby
Chief Executive Officer

Here’s Nathan. I’ve watched the finan­cial mar­kets for the most of my life, and I have a pro­found, intu­itive under­stand­ing of how they oper­ate. It takes a lot of effort, time, and con­fu­sion to learn the ins and outs of invest­ing. I did­n’t know a lot about mon­ey as a col­lege dropout from the 1980s. I did make invest­ments in the stock mar­ket, but I lost mon­ey for the major­i­ty of my career. The 2007/8 mar­ket crash was rev­o­lu­tion­ary for a lot of investors, includ­ing me. What was per­fect in the past might not be ide­al today. Our team will do its best to stay up-to-date with the infor­ma­tion, and always main­tain a human touch while pro­vid­ing mar­ket analy­sis or Forex Sig­nals, hope­ful­ly mak­ing it eas­i­er for you to become a bet­ter poten­tial investor.